Ethyl Acetate-C4H8O2
Name: Ethyl Acetate
Formula: C4H8O2
Chemical Safety: Flammable, Irritant
Molar Mass: 88.11 g/mol
Flash Point: -
Lower Explosive Limit(LEL): 2.0%VOL
Upper Explosive Limit(UEL: 16%VOL
TWA: 400ppm
General Description: Ethyl acetate is found in alcoholic beverages. Ethyl acetate is found in cereal crops, radishes, fruit juices, beer, wine, spirits etc. and produced by Anthemis nobilis (Roman chamomile) and Rubus species Ethyl acetate is used in artificial fruit essences. Ethyl acetate is used as a solvent in the manufacture of modified hop extract and decaffeinated tea or coffee. Also used for colour and inks used to mark fruit or vegetables. In the field of entomology, ethyl acetate is an effective asphyxiant for use in insect collecting and study. In a killing jar charged with ethyl acetate, the vapors will kill the collected (usually adult) insect quickly without destroying it. Because it is not hygroscopic, ethyl acetate also keeps the insect soft enough to allow proper mounting suitable for a collection.