Name: Oxygen
Formula: O2
Chemical Safety: Oxidizer
Molar Mass: 31.999 g/mol
Flash Point: -
Lower Explosive Limit(LEL): -
Upper Explosive Limit(UEL: -
TWA: -
General Description: Oxygen is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. It will support life. It is noncombustible, but will actively support the burning of combustible materials. Some materials that will not burn in air will burn in oxygen. Materials that burn in air will burn more vigorously in oxygen. As a non-liquid gas it is shipped at pressures of 2000 psig or above. Pure oxygen is nonflammable. Under prolonged exposure to fire or intense heat the containers may rupture violently and rocket. Oxygen is used in the production of synthesis gas from coal, for resuscitation and as an inhalant.